CEAS 2015 Conference

Short information about the 5th European CEAS Conference on Aviation and Space Technologies (Air & Space Conference)

5th European Air & Space Conference was held in Delft in the Netherlands on 7-11 September. Just like 4 previous conferences, this one was also hosted by  CEAS (Council of European Aerospace Societies). Previous conferences were held in Berlin (2007), Manchester (2009), Venice (2011) and Linköping (2013). During the conference, 175 papers from 25 countries were presented, as well as 7 plenary lectures, held by 2 or sometimes 3 speakers from different research institutes, government agendas or industry. The number of registered participants was over 500. Two Workshops, one of AFloNEXT project, the other organised by EWADE (European Workshop for Aircraft Design Education), were joined with the conference. Most lectures were prepared by European authors, although several presentations by non-european institutes were also noted. Polish lectures were notable, prepared mainly by the Faculty of Power and Aeronautical Engineering (Warsaw University of Technology) and researchers from other facilities. Regrettably, it should be noted that hosts did not take enough care of choosing proper session leaders, which was probably a result of random Polish representation in the so called Conference Science Committee. This matter was discussed during CEAS Trustees Board meeting by our representatives.

On the CEAS Trustees Board meeting, the location of next CEAS conference was also chosen. In the decisive second secret voting, Warsaw proposed by PSAA got 5 votes and Bucharest proposed by AAAR (Asociatia Aeronauticâ si Astronauticâ a României) got 6 votes. Moscow proposed by the Russians got only 1 vote in the first voting, but this one vote turned out to be decisive in the second voting.

The scientific level of the conference should be regarded as high, after every lecture serious discussions on presented matters were held. The plenary lectures, which got a lot of attention, were on especially high level. More detailed information about the conference (including many lecture abstracts) can be found on CEAS website (http://www.ceas2015.org/).

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